Andrew Colbourne
Andrew C.Financial trader. Dev. Bon viveur.

New website updates: the story so far.


Posted by Andy on 21 July 2023.

Now that things are getting underway, I've managed to find and squash a few of the bugs that I've found so far. I've no doubt that what I've found so far isn't exhaustive, so I'd welcome any bug reports that people have via the contact form.

So far, the developer experience of this new website has been hugely improved. Unlike WordPress, where you're constrained to a certain degree by the system itself and the limitations and quirks it has, I have complete freedom in this stack.

There are a few new sections I want to add, and there are a few upgrades I want to make, but the main thing that I wanted to achieve from the switchover was a minimum viable website. Amongst other things, I want to make this my personal portfolio as well as my personal blog. I'm excited to share some of the projects I have in mind with you. The usual trader training content will be making a comeback as well, along with some more personal, blog-style entries. You'll notice that I've linked a YouTube channel in the footer. This is something I've been interested in starting for a long time, although I'm still working to come up with ideas for that.

See you in the next one.

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