Andrew Colbourne
Andrew C.Financial trader. Dev. Bon viveur.

More website updates.


Posted by Andy on 23 August 2023.

👋 Just a quick one. Over the last couple of days, I've updated the structure of the website to make it run faster, be easier to navigate and to play nicer with your browser. The codebase is now more manageable from my perspective, and from yours, you'll find the experience a lot friendlier.

My plan for the next few weeks is to try to include a selection of trading, business, programming and personal content. I don't intend to give this any particular order for the time being, but that's likely to change in the future. At the moment, I'm happy with where this website is going but I still have plenty of ideas.

On the other hand, I'm not particularly happy with where my portfolio website is going and I want to make a lot of changes to it. It looks and feels far too rudimentary. I don't think it reflects where I want to be right now or what I'm doing. I probably won't fix that right away, but my intention is to do so over the course of time, as with this website. I'll post a few updates here as things progress for those who are interested.

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